
Actually, you misjudge me. As I mentioned, a friend of mine was also bullied. But he went about it a different way. He used a bruise as well as a video to have the bully expelled as well as contacting the police to have charges filed against him. The family of that child settled the case out of court.

In most cases bullies - even those who may be stronger than you, - don't expect resistance. If you show a willingness for escalation then they will, most of the time, step down.

I'm sorry but it really isn't. A victim is someone who is taken advantage of, attacked, or suffers from a condition of some kind. Attacking the status quo makes you the aggressor in that case. If you can't understand this then I don't know what else to say.

Clearly that was Darwin's law at work. You only get smart streetcats for a reason, afterall.

Starting a car and then using it? Outrageous.

They has the disadvantage of being a plural as well as singular. But aye, it's mostly a problem I only see amongst foreigners speaking English. (Who tend to place more meaning onto pronouns than native English speakers.)

I would argue that bullies in real life are different to online by merit of the fact they can't see if they hurt you or not. The only way they can see that online is if you show them.

It doesn't work with bullies at school because they can see you. You can't just ignore them and remove them from your life with the press of a button.

You're giving them too much credit. The majority of internet trolls really don't fucking care about women. They just care about getting a reaction out of someone. Be that the silence of someone injured, a passionate decrying of what those trolls did or otherwise.

Those are just two examples. Trolls will troll you regardless. But the more ammunition you give them the more they have to troll you with. Like if I told someone I'm from an oil background they instantly can go and attack me for destroying the planet, murdering billions, etc. If I told them I was overweight they could

In the UK, for example, a gaming PC costs around £400-600. PC games also cost £25-35 whilst console games cost £40-50 on launch. That's a £10 difference per game.

In most of the world PC gaming is cheaper.

Really all this highlights is that they're both using what is already dated hardware in what will undoubtedly be another long and stifled console generation where yet more people turn towards PC gaming for innovation and cutting-edge stuff.

Because then rogues wouldn't be able to do kidney shots. And that would ruin one of the most fun classes in PVP.

From what I know of the cartels in Mexico... They mostly all are. Same with any of the other really powerful organised crime groups anywhere in the world, really.

This thread made me lol. Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls and all that.

Nah. There have been people who have taken brains out of them before to test their robust PNS. They don't know to drink without the brain.

I believe you're going to get more hate for the way you put this across. (It appears as if you are saying "They won't help us! Why should we help them?!")

Lacking knowledge doesn't correlate to a lack of interest in science. But lacking knowledge and spouting contradictions that are incorrect as if they are gospel is very much not scientific.

You clearly have no interest in science yourself as you are claiming a common urban myth is fact. Cockroaches do have brains. And yes, that is an oxymoron. That's why I specifically stated "It merely has a CNS that is spread throughout the body to respond to various stimuli."