You forgot "LOL XBONE."
You forgot "LOL XBONE."
So many comments filled with ignorance.
How? They're expanding upon a war that has barely anything written about it and is only referenced in passing; The war between the Draenei and the Orcs. They're expanding upon a period of time that has barely anything known about it: The time before the Orcs were corrupted.
The story for this game is a direct followup to the story for MOP. And people seem hella excited about it.
You're a cunt.
I am glad. I had to put up with that today.
But it's not just a spiritual successor! It's de facto as well. :D
This was on their homepage. :D Go check it out! Egosoft's website, x rebirth and screenshots.
X Series are the spiritual and de facto successors and continuation to the Elite series. Which is 29 years old.
Actually, no. The legacy of this series is Elite. Which came out 29 years ago.
I like to believe that the guys at youtube are just creating work for themselves.
I figured as much. Still... One can hope that they'll one day add a dancing aspect to a space game.
This game series is older and thus better by virtue of age. Games are like wine, you see.
I wonder if it will have both swarm kerrigan as well as normal Kerrigan.
Nawh. Loki is such a receiver he's given birth to children.
Except that will lower your search rankings on youtube, annoy people who care about censorship, remove the views you gain from trolls and other such self-destructive things.
Sorta like a bot for any MMO which is counted as cheating, right?
No. But it does ban you if you pay someone to do it. Mostly if you pay Chinese people who live in horrific conditions.
Ah. I remember the days when cheats were things included in games not as exploits or hacks but as things for those situations where you needed them. Or just because they're funny. Or for convenience.