Ah, right. Aye, that's true. But I feel that Monarchs didn't have that much of a role. Sure, they influenced things, but suggesting that they administered to every aspect of a country? I'm kinda iffy on that one.
Ah, right. Aye, that's true. But I feel that Monarchs didn't have that much of a role. Sure, they influenced things, but suggesting that they administered to every aspect of a country? I'm kinda iffy on that one.
And this isn't? :p
Did you send that to the wrong person?
Just want to point out a few things I have picked up whilst following Eternal Crusade:
These volunteers have already been at work for a year and actually have some content to show for it. (Basic visuals, etc.)
You sexist racist pig-dog.
Where I used to live games costed £50 for consoles on launch and £30 for PCs. That dropped to £20 for PC and £40 for console after 6-12 months.
I like it. xDS is easier and makes sense. :D
The majority of serial-killers listen to classical and partake in books.
I don't live in the US and I don't want a 3DS.
I completely agree with you there. I was merely objecting to the fact you were dismissing it for the fact it's a representation of something instead of... Y'know... What you just said. :D
Yes. There is no reason to ever get angry at pixels and what they represent. Just like we all know there is never any reason to get angry at stories and what they represent. Or symbols. Or ideas. Or stories glorifying symbols used by mass-murderers who support an autocratic ideology.
I'm not tight on money. I just loathe 3D because, for me, it causes sickness (I actually puke after looking at 3D for more than 10 minutes,) doesn't work (No 3D effect,) and it makes images blurred beyond recognition.
Alright. People here have convinced me. What are some good 3DS games to get? I don't tend to like Mario stuff but Fire Emblem looks interesting. Pokemon x/y is a given. Animal crossing could be interesting, too.
I want to get Pokemon X / Y. I played a bit of it on a friend's 3DS.
That's... Probably why, actually. Europe has lots of minor countries that are ignored by places that region lock.
Socio-political manifestations such as countries do not represent the people within. That's a common misconception by those who are patriotic for such ridiculous entities.
But denying it's a part of your country is equally unfair and stupid. You chose to take it as a representation of all of Japan when the image is merely commenting on one aspect of Japan as observed by an outsider.