
It’s a little-known fact that if a kid does a “Make a Wish” and then miraculously recovers, the kid must receive an anti-wish. I totally buy a visit from Trump as a viable anti-wish.

Guess we’re going to gloss over her thinking that crystals heal and sound therapy is real?

Sorry, those things don’t look dishwasher safe. That does not spark joy.

We never did marshmallows growing up. We did add some brown sugar and cinnamon, but that was it.

And now when you try to fact them with Snopes, they hit you with the whole “Snopes is biased liberal” crap. My God, how has a Nigerian Prince not already scammed you out of your money Karen?

Just like reposting all the “Facebook does not have permission to use my pictures” posts all the time “can’t hurt”. It hurts me Aunt Karen. It hurts me to see you be so stupid.

Why put effort into a lie when your supporters will believe anything you say?

It’s actually worse, it says “I’m starting to do a little math about what I have left over”. After paying $100 billion he’s STARTING to do a LITTLE math about what he’ll have left over.

I freeze milk in one cup portions to have it available for cooking. Or buy those little single serving bottles. It’s more expensive per ounce, but I don’t have to worry about wasting any.

Jezebel: George Kent looks pretty good! Bold, yet sexy choice with the bowtie.

Resistance was futile.

I haven’t read the transcript. I’ve read the confession. Do I have to read the transcript if I’ve already read the confession?

“When I left President Trump’s cabinet, did I write a tell all book? No. Did I go on CNN and attack the President? No. Have I said a cross word about President Trump? No,” Sessions said in a statement.

Do we really think Roy isn’t also a racist?

Hmm. I’m starting to think maybe your home is built on a Native America graveyard.

We usually use the olive oil butter spread. But if I do use butter I keep it at room temperature because of the spreadability thing.

Weigh the flour, don’t measure it.

Are you using enough paprika? T’Challa says to use more paprika.

These are AH-MAZ-ING! They’ve got them at Costco. So easy! So good!

Have you tried poking a hole in each one before you cook it? That seems to work great for me.