
Yeah, yeah, Holy Grail is great, but is there anything we can do to trick them into watching Life of Brian?

I want to warp to November so I can vote this incompetent asshole out of office.

I’m a boomer. I think Harley is getting what it deserves. 

It is literally Trumps fault because he slapped a bunch of tariffs around the world and they retaliated by hitting Harley with tariffs. 

The funny part about conservatives trying to be funny is that they keep trying.

The amount we get shouldn’t matter.

Yeah they are, especially at a time like this. A company that big has someone in their marketing department who is responsible for reading google alerts. Now that this is blowing up in their faces, they probably have several people on google alert duty, trying to assess the damage

North Face has nearly 2700 employees, do you think that absolutely no one from that organization checks out Gizmodo, ever?

Most big companies like these have people in their marketing departments that are hired to browse social media and the internet to gather what people are saying about them. It’s safe to assume that the Mom and Pop shop on the corner or your street isn’t, but most companies like these that have an international scope

Honestly they might. Most large companies have marketing research people who’s duties now include collecting data from the internet. 

Oh there’s no way North Face could afford that. They probably barely make a profit off those jackets they sell for $500 apiece.

Yup. This or STFU. 

Agreed. Maybe donate the advertising budget you normally give to these types of ads instead of giving it as bonuses to some marketing execs.

A sizable donation to the Wikipedia foundation would go a long way to repairing bridges North Face. Words mean nothing when your actions have spoken louder than any written apology ever could. Use your actions to show you’re really sorry.

Re-read what I wrote. I didn’t call him dumb. I called him a dumb guy’s idea of a smart guy. You’re arguing against a point I didn’t make.

AV Club threatens readership with another year of unending, unwanted Kanye updates

but for the high speed part he told me that sometimes they need to “warm up the tires to make it ride smooth,” which I’m not so sure I buy.

How sanctimonious of you. So she deserves psychological abuse from the cops for doing something motorists do every day in this country.

Coin flip is still better odds that any given person of color gets from cops today. 

Maybe it’s just me, but I’d take a slim bezel at the top over the stupid notch. It’s like the flat tire on the original Moto watch, an obvious shortcoming that only reinforces itself over time. Every time you look at it, you think “yeah, Apple couldn’t figure out a way around it, so they just said Fuck It and put in a