How ugly and narrow-minded of you to frame this incident this way. You’re as bad and clueless as any right-wing racist.
How ugly and narrow-minded of you to frame this incident this way. You’re as bad and clueless as any right-wing racist.
Exactly. They are public servants, and no matter WHO they arrest for whatever reason they must be held to professional standards ALWAYS. If they can’t hack that they shouldn’t be doing police work.
Will officers typically show you speed gun readings and is there a way to know if it was calibrated before the shift started? Good tip if possible.
Great reporting! Kudos to the prosecutor. Disgusting that the dept. didn’t take away badges & guns until they were being questioned.
By replying to this knucklehead, you’re feeding a hateful troll. A knuckleheaded hate-filled nihilistic troll who’s likely from Breitbart and who’s feeding his delusions with opiates or meth.
This smells like John Barron. Or John Miller. If you know what I mean.
No pass-through charging?
No pass-through charging?
Also this deal has always been $13:
Also this deal has always been $13:…
Not saying they’re crap, but keep in mind:
Not saying they’re crap, but keep in mind:…
This “man” is the Platonic Ideal of an Uncle Tom.
Nice thought, but your eyeballs will have melted before your first toke.
Obnoxious know-it-all jerk troll much?
Someone, I hope.
Someone, I hope.
This silly, shallow, selfish post is sad and soulless on almost every level.
Hmm, good call. Are they identical? Exactly the same quality?
Hmm, good call. Are they identical? Exactly the same quality?
Lifetime Malwarebytes Premium is now $20 on amazon. See slickdeals for more info.
fyi lifehacker staff, this post is duped w/o attribution here:…
An "old Native American proverb" would not begin "The native american grandfather tells his grandson..."
Yep. They have presence, but the uninspired writing sinks it.