
By Fox News' own logic, Christians were being naughty so they totally deserved it. the sluts.

Fast zombies you cannot escape from, so they lose any general fear you might have of them. Sure, you'll be afraid as they come to eat your face, but it's all over relatively quickly. There is no hope of getting away for even a day, let alone a chance of escape, so there is less anxiety and more depression. If a

I see it's billed as a three-hour tour. You know how those can turn out. May the odds be ever in your favor.

But I speared myself with the pencil on accident. And it was in school so knowledge. Plus I've been hanging on to it for literally decades (or it's been hanging on to me).

But there's still a Valhalla, right? Because if I'm not going to die a valiant death escorted into the afterlife by Valkyries, then my whole life has been a lie.

I certainly didn't. I mean, she wasn't even wearing a hoodie.

At which point he'll become Hispanic for sure.


Back it up? Is this debate club? In some districts, economic disparity comes with various other issues, like families where parents can afford time to volunteer, attend PTA meetings, etc, and those who can't. Teachers also generally know which students are on free and reduced lunch, which students have parents who

UP doesn't say adulthood sucks. What you see is two people having a very happy life, with disappointments, together. Then the aftermath of one of them passing on and not dealing with it until ADVENTURE, because it's a children's movie.

No, in my experience, it's often not mocking him. People genuinely think he's cool - he's done a very good job on the PR front, which is likely why he was chosen for the role in the first place.

But most shocking of all, the investigators have heard the nuns singing in the abbey.

The problem is white women, who objectively have it pretty good, often drown out women of color and transgender women, who objectively have it way fucking worse.

yeah, I hate to be a downer, but trying to make "you can only rape captives WITH PERMISSION" into "rah rah girl power!" is a bit of a stretch

Technically they're in real estate and land development. The money the country makes off of leasing the royal family's inherited land/buildings is exponentially more than what the family receives in taxes.

It's really about ethics in physics journalism.

That's NOT victim blaming. A dog will only bite if it has been taught to behave that way (or has another good reason to feel threatened). Meaning that the dog was almost definitely already abused and/or neglected before the bite took place. You can not blame the dog. The only fault will lay with anyone who has been

"I just struggle to find a woman in music who hasn't been completely picked apart by the media, or scrutinized and criticized for aging, or criticized for fighting aging," Swift says.

I would argue that Monsters University, of all things,did everything a prequel ought to do. It still wasn't as good as the film it spun off from, and it was, pretty completely, unnecessary, but it told its own story, it added depth to the characters and their relationships, and it didn't get too bogged down by fan