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Yeah, she transitioned a few months after the Alpha Males video. She did a follow-up too! It’s about fascists and their obsession with degeneracy.

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This video actually explains why they’re such racists. It’s a little silly and weird, but it’s got some great points about why fascists think the way they do.

Dude just stop. Only a whiny little boy can’t face the cold hard truth of our gender- we have a large, long, and statistically verified history of violence against women we’re attracted to. Women don’t. It’s us. Our problem. Sitting here thinking the stupid things you do is cowardly. A grown adult acknowledges the

I think you give them a lot of credit for (1) knowing when finals are scheduled and (2) knowing what finals are.

So good....

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”

It also claims that her clerks were “coerced by the threat of contempt sanctions” into granting marriage licenses.

It wasn’t enough to be wrong about everything on Earth, so Ted Cruz dragged the Federation into it.

This is just like when I was originally cast to play Kate Winslet’s role in Titanic and then it was cruelly ripped away from me. I mean, sure, the movie had already come out... but I retroactively was determined to be the better person for the role. And, sure, I was only in 6th grade. But as I nightly gazed up at a

Forget Mount Rushmore, South Dakota is home to both the Corn Palace AND Wall Drug

I remember we went to Dinosaur Park, which was pretty cool, and had some ice cream that was really good. And Mt. Rushmore, in the great American tradition of dragging your kids to tourist shit they don’t care about. Call me when I can climb on it like the dinosaurs.

Honestly, I've always felt like Star Wars actually was a good comparison for the TV show. Avatar captures that blend of epic struggle and fun lighthearted adventure better than just about anything since the original trilogy. So in this case I wouldn't say it's so much about what Shyamalan said being wrong as much as

Even more baffling are the people who have apparently read the book and come away with the conclusion that it's about the manic pixie dream girl trope played straight. Like . . . I can understand making a snap judgment based on a trailer that's trying hard not to give away the ending. But I don't get how you could

Not for nothing, but the book is entirely about deconstructing the manic pixie dream girl trope, and the main character basically learns that projecting his Heroic Male Needs onto an actual human woman with intellectual dimension is pretty dumb. Someone complained to John Green on Tumblr that the trailer seems to have

Reverse your opinions and you're correct.

Leonard (I am such a logical, sin-enabling, Christ-rejecting Jew) Nimoy

Supreme Galaxial Emperor Voight, Long May She Reign

Captain America is #1, as he should be. I'll admit, I never thought that I'd fall in love with his character (especially since his superhero name is just SO AMERICA), but I did, and it completely changed the way I judge heroism.

I feel like this is a modern, couture-level interpretation of every Feminine Romantic-Interest Alien Lady outfit from any Star Trek series. Approve.

Ugh, some of these employees have so much attitude. If you're unwilling to do things just because they're logically impossible, maybe customer service isn't for you.