
It's incredibly clear that RR had a huge positive impact on GENERATIONS of readers. This has been Burton's passion for decades and I find the article half assed and probably ordered by some editor who just wanted to be first.

"LeVar Burton isn't literacy Jesus"


It's horrible that she's basically saying that her child is a punishment from God.

I don't think Sea World has played an important role in conservation. What especially angers me is that they have pretty successfully portrayed themselves as animal experts (who misinform under the guise of education) and advocates when they are basically just the disneyland of animal exploitation. I've volunteered

This is a really disturbing article. The meat industry is a sad, selfish one that profits off of breeding and slaughtering live, conscious animals before they're ready to die or even had a chance to live. I'm really sad to see articles like this on this website.

Hey, Rowling's fortune is not victimless! She exploited my emotions...

"I was actively critical of my then high school and college peers for wasting their reading level on books written for children."

I'm wondering if "save a character" wasn't a play off of the fate of James Potter?

A disturbing number of Americans are writing letters to Fox or their congressperson about how this proves that Sesame Street promotes socialism.

1) I think the "some call them mothers" thing was a dig at pro-choice insistence that being pregnant doesn't make you a mother because it's not "a child."

2) Is this not the MOST METAL way to refer to pregnancy, ever? Seriously, THE HOST. "I'm vomiting this morning because my host body is rejecting the DNA of the

I think there was a cachet about having an African-American president because of guilt.

I feel like it shouldn't even need to be said that regardless of your opinion on hunting, responsibly hunting a non-endangered animal is a hugely different thing than taking part in the wasteful destruction of a species solely for a single body part and contributing to a dangerous black market.

Some of the most environmentally minded people I know are hunters. Killing and eating a non-endangered animal that lived in the wild has far less impact then the factory farmed beef and chicken most Americans stuff themselves on.

Going hunting for a food animal that presumably got roasted and consumed medieval-style compromises his stance on the luxury-and-status based ivory trade, which is illegal and involves endangered animals? You could make a hardcore argument here that recognizes all uses of animals as fundamentally exploitative, but

Poor little man. :( Pet owners, food does not equal love!!!! There are tons of healthy ways to show the animal member of your family that you love him/her that do not involve around the clock treats and noms.

Did they find his previous owner and euthanize him/her? Asking for a friend.

I've read two John Green books now - this one and Looking for Alaska. Honestly, I enjoyed them, but I didn't LOVE them like most people. (I did cry like a baby reading both of them, however.)

In a capitalist economy there's plenty of food for everybody, including the poor. It's just all in the pantries of the rich.

Um.... except that most of the deforestation due to soy is driven by all the soy that's used to needed feed animals raised for meat, coupled with massive amounts of soy oil/lecithin used in processed foods. It takes 16 pounds of corn/soy/whatever to produce one pound of beef. It's not tofu that's driving the problem