
Not to mention that rhino horn is fucking useless. It's made of keratin, so it's literally the same thing as eating your fingernails. That's what's so maddening about this whole thing; I always feel like if I could just yell "It's keratin!" loud enough it would stop.

Fuck poaching, and fuck the ignorance and poverty that creates a demand for poaching :(

In his defense, the friendship between Kaitlyn and Hazel is kind of set up to be doomed, and is used to show that a) Hazel's non-cancer having friends have kind of drifted apart from her and b) people can be nice but still not have a clue how to support you when you're sick. Also, the relationship between Hazel and


Wut that one's rad. They are the cutest. You have no imagination in your heart :(

Shatner is dead to me. Pretty much all the others are that kind of special, awesome people who I like more the more I learn about them.

Well, elsewhere in the book you see her and Gus making mistakes, like using words incorrectly. He may just be making excuses, but I think he did it intentionally. I know in An Abundance of Katherines, he showed that he knows something about math (or has friends who do. I know Hank knows a ton)

Can someone please explain to me why all these articles talking about some homophobic guy opening his word-hole include snarky insinuations about how the guy is gay? Because, um, him being gay would just be so funny! Because being gay is so bad and wacky! It drives me absolutely insane. How is it funny? How is it

Ted Cruz: The passionate fighter for limited government that will infiltrate children's childhoods to let them know.


So "I pretended to be homeless for an hour hehehe" means "Most homeless people are fakers!" How do you even get there? What is he even saying? So the fact that people are physically able to /dress raggedy and go outside/ means that that's happening right and left? How does that even

What no Idina Menzel???
Probably a good thing, though; I'm jealous enough of Lindalee's life as it is.

They should stop the shows, take the whales they have and try and give them as non-stressful a retirement as they can, preferably in a sea pen where they won't be driven crazy by screaming people that confuse their senses and where they can experience some of what the ocean has to offer. Most of all, SeaWorld should

Then SeaWorld should stop breeding them. These whales aren't breeding naturally, SeaWorld's doesn't receive little whale presents that, drat, can't be set free so I guess they've got to keep them, and shoot, might as well use them in shows. They purposely breed whales purely for human entertainment, and make millions

I haven't seen it yet, but I watched an interview with the woman who directed it and she said that she intended it to be a movie children could watch, in terms of how graphic she made it. Dawn's death is *not* shown, the director decided very early on that she would never show it.

So human amusement is more important than animal life? Sure, let's say human life is more important than whale life. Fine. But you really want to say that your thirty minutes of mindless enjoyment is worth more than a whale loosing 40 years of wonderful life in the ocean? Do you really like how that argument makes you

I don't know if I didn't notice it when I was a kid or something, but the Disney Channel seems to have become hella racist. I watch a lot of Disney channel because I babysit, and there's one show that's based on the premise "Americans go to a primitive island and become kings!" and another that features a character

How the hell does the entire world not know about this? That was the saddest thing I've ever read.


Seriously, DS people are some of the most competitive people I've ever met. I do equine-events Special Olympics, and there was one girl going around shaking people's hands and introducing herself with, "Hello, I'm Casey, and I'm about to win a gold medal." I know it's crazy for some people to grasp, but people with