
Nobody is defending this guy. He was clearly acting against his training. I had a long discussion yesterday explaining how this was not SRO typical behaviour as there is specific training that is required of SROs which directly contradicts the way he behaved in that classroom and here is more proof of that. http://www.

o lord


UGH THIS IS SCARY. And your boyfriend is cute !

This is not super scary (to me) but it is 100% true.

Scary! Female foxes make a sound called a “vixen scream,” scared the living daylights out of me after we moved rural a few years ago. I was in tears and sure someone was murdering a woman in our garden, husband laughed at me (which is better than having the cops laugh at me I guess).

Spooky. This is beautifully written by the way, very vivid description.

Oh no wonder. Quit tryna make that new Adele song happen.

People like looking at attractive people. News at eleven.

Pretty sure he had a publicist but the toupee came alive one day and just ate them.

I turned 70 on Sunday. You’ve got miles to go! (But do get out of the rain. Do you have your sweater on? Where are your boots? You forgot your umbrella! Was that a sneeze? You want some hot cocoa? Get into a nice warm bath before you catch your death...)

People who say that are always the worst drama-creating fucklords.

There really needs to be a dedicated hotline for Yoko related emergencies. 1-800-ONO-YOKO.

GAWD he used to be so fucking hot

Mmmmmm Brendan Fraser at his prime right thurr

I still incorporate “nice undies!” into conversation whenever possible.

He’s a rather incompetent winker

“Has anyone ever told you you look a bit like Sean Connery?”

I don’t know if this will make you feel better but I think “bad timing” is a cop out excuse. If he wanted you guys to happen, he would not have let a three week relationship stop him.

Simply being in your 20’s is stupid. Voice of experience here. I was so dumb.