
What do you mean “cheek bones”? That’s fillers and makeup. The nose is makeup. Kids these days contour like drag queens.

Now playing

Ginuwine? For actual boning? *tsk tsk*

D’Angelo. Always D’Angelo.

Or just an assurance that there’ll be no U2 on your sexy playlist.

But like, what if I actually want to just invite a female friend over for Netflix and chilling? Do I have to invent a kind of “no homo” suffix to hastily add on to that?

Oh sweet lord a thousand times yes!!! How did I forget about them? - Trap me in a cabin on top of the highest mountain in the middle of the worst winter and I would be the happiest boy.

I feel like I can’t really laugh at this since I’m forever cleaning out the litter box.

This. But we all know who wins the Facebook martyr-off: stay at home moms.

Caramelized onion tart with a homemade rough puff pastry and bleu cheese. Hell yeah.

Yes! Bowls should be the standard dish, not plates.

ETA-No for real tho, I think she was just mad trolling them. That is some dry ass sense of humor there. My hat is off to her and her ability to keep a strait face.

Right like when people ask me where I’m from I just say the state I live in. It upsets them very much.

Tom Hardy: apparently good partner to his special lady friend, loves dogs, a prime physical specimen of a man, decent actor in films I like, and a scruffy beard. I don’t have enough water in my body for this.

I’m not sure that that’s true, either. I mean, didn’t Tomb Raider make gobs of money? And I know Kill Bill did well.

That’s not weird. Weird is wanting to see the matrix redone with cats.

Kris looks damn good. Not even for her age, just in general.

No she seems fun & kind

You’re delusional! He looks like Corey Feldman dressed up as Scott Disick but couldn’t find a shirt in his size.

also, the song/music video for Bad Blood is horrible

Is it wrong that I kinda wish Anne Hathaway was my friend too?