I mean, they can have it their way but it sounds like they're getting crazy.
I mean, they can have it their way but it sounds like they're getting crazy.
I like you.
I got a complicated order!!
Words cannot express how much I hate that band name. It is, quite possibly, the ugliest collection of syllables the English language has ever seen.
If they had gone with King-Burger, I'd be thinking of BonQuiQui the entire time...
The photos with the director came out in July 2012... And now I feel old and tired after looking that up.
“Hello Bruce!”
yes, we are all pure water, unless you dilute us with alcohol.
I live for Monday's and BCO. Today I enjoyed it in the emergency room where my husband was being examined to rule out a heart attack (it wasn't). I did feel a little guilty laughing out loud at the Popcorn Potato Story but only because I didn't have time to read it to him.
Condoms provide only very limited protection against herpes, for the record.
I successfully used condoms for years to keep babies at bay. I don’t know why they get such a bad rap.
Attack people. They attack people.
Can you make Callie Rossmeyer telling stories a regular feature? Like, even if the stories have nothing to do with the food service industry. More story time please.
My tongue, it is in my cheek.
It's not free if you give it to me.
yes, he looks *sooooo happy* and Zerrie is a 100% authentic, real, madly in love young couple, not a publicity stunt showmance at all.
I read it, but not pathetically.
Am I the only person who (pathetically) reads Blind Gossip?