
Everything about this is horrifying

Green eggs and blam!

I have a hard time believing a natural supermom who looks like Kristen Wiig would let a cold stand in her way.

Worst place I ever got sick was camping in the Sierra Mountains with my family. After a week of camping, on our last night, I was struck with a really nasty stomach bug. We had spent the afternoon drinking margaritas, so when the first wave of nausea hit, I thought it was the tequila. But no. How I wish it had been

Alright, I’ve never posted anything on Jez but I can’t resist this one-

I’ve told this story before but once I drove 40 minutes to a guy’s house, who I was sort of dating and I’d only seen like twice before. I wasn’t feeling well, and eventually I realized an imminent intestinal explosion was coming. I did NOT want to use his bathroom and stink it up, I would never be able to see him

(I am writing this on behalf of my dog).

I hate shopping anywhere but TJMaxx and Marshalls. But I really wish sometimes that they would have bigger stores with more mall like layout qualities.

I love that description.

I am a straight woman and I had to look and reread more than twice before I saw Hilary Duff’s mouth. And she has a great mouth!

Happy birthday to the greatest, bestest Jezebel writer!

He looks like a human shark to me. I must be one of the few people in the world who do not find him attractive.

As a business owner myself, there is nothing I can hate on about this. I’m getting a bit older (36 years) and as my business has grown I have found lots of inspiration in other women that run their own Shit and do it well.


Please do this shtick on all articles, k thx. I think it has real silly troll potential.

After looking at countless pairs of $$$$$$ shoes for my wedding, I ended up buying a pair from her brand. No regrets!

“A Single guy, drunk, we can possibly overlook”

Her shoes are just exactly what I like in a hot, sexy shoe.