
Any link I find to watch Split shows a minor release rom-com about a girl who likes bowling. It’s great! Much better compared to what the M Night one seems to be.

Just FYI, I did exactly that... I thought I knew what happened in the aftermath but....wow!

Thank god I thought it was just me. I get excited when someone is having a lovely meal out and they post a pic....anything bigger and NAH.

I wasn’t aware of The Toast until the founder (or..one of the founders...) wrote a piece for Elle about following Joe Manginello’s diet and exercise regime. If it was an indication of the sites content, it’s a huge pity it’s gone :(


Medium length sports socks I guess, went a bit above the ankle. Gone a bit grey. He had teeny feet too but in the end none of it mattered. I would take those hemmed shorts and hoof-sized runners an. y. day. He was a fine thing. *loveheart emoji eyes*

Yep. Made specifically that way in production, not modified by himself. There was an unfortunate looking socks and runners situation too, but....swoooon.

Robin Hood. Accelerated my puberty a little I tells ya.

I had a fling with someone who wore hemmed just-over-the-knee Dad jorts but he was so handsome I may now forever have a soft spot for them.

And they call microwaves popty pings <3

Someone animated my childhood!

Love it!

I don’t get it : ( I’ve googled this and all I got was reports on how little The Accountant sold in tickets.

Actually crying laughing at this at my desk. Thanks!

As if Beyonce would take that call or say anything negative on the phone to Kim. #watchtherecieptsphonethrone

Kris: Everyone should experience first class at least once in their lives

I don’t feel the need for another person in my life, and it works for me. I did grow up expecting I’d be in a bunch of relationships and marry, etc. but it turns out it’s just not for me. Seeing friends and family marry off over the last decade I have wondered why not me (or even close to the option) and eventually

She looks like a drag version of Tiffany.