
I’m waiting for the theory that he was killed off by Jay-Z’s henchmen and has been replaced by a lookalike, like Paul McCartney and that group of doubles or whatever people think happens to some famous people.

I’m responsible for half those views. And half of those were when I making other people watch it.

Oooh, sounds perfect, ta!

I was doing a course that included a module of stress management. The tutor was the biggest idiot and managed to wind us all up even if we started the class chilled out. I had to leave.

She looks like Maureen Lipman. That’s all I have to say about that.

That’s why I gave up playing SIMs-couldn’t woohoo all the time.

It never affected me. Other influences (TV shows, magazines) did but never Barbie. But then again she did go through multiple divorces and abortion storylines with my bro’s GI Joe. Ken was friend-zoned big time once Joe came to town. Sindy tried to pick up the pieces but Ken just couldn’t let go.

It’s pretty much instant too. Amazing. I still have the instinct to be snarky about it, but it works...so as you said... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I feel that way about yoga. My chakras must be more crooked than a winding staircase.

Haha, very much so! Patience of a saint, that one.

I keep meaning to download something myself. Great for the commute :)

I found some in my local “everything is €2 shop”. I think they’re so popular now you can find them easily enough. I’ve seen them for ridiculously high prices too, but you can do what my co-worker did and print them off from sources online. There’s a huge variety for all ages and tastes!

It really is. I started panicking one day in work. A full-on flap. A coworker gave me a print out from an adult colouring book and highlighter pens. I was like WTF is this nonsense...but it worked perfectly. Distracted me, concentration gently but solidly focused on the colouring. 

Haha, I can see why that would be traumatic!

Mystery man is Sam Asghari. He was one of the delights in Fifth Harmony’s Work From Home video. His insta kind of ruins him though :(

I think about this tweet every day. I still can’t decide if the mug or flowers are worse....or are both photoshopped into her hands or just the flowers....just when you thought Rory couldn’t be more annoying.

For my 21st I went to a rural town with my useless sack of a boyfriend, cooked my own dinner and watched the entire Eurovision without knowing that Ireland didn’t qualify that year. The spag bol was the bomb though.

I’d love to watch his show as I’ve watched a couple of his YouTube vids and he’s so lovely, but I can’t watch anything remotely emotional to do with animals or I lose it like the little girl surprised at going to Disneyland. I need to be more like Chloe

But they’ve seen yoooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu!