
The Elatigirl tumble was the best, to be honest.

*chorus of voices* "Hiiii Jennifer."

I think Harvey's other job on People's Court helped softened him up to readers. He's not like Perez who tried to become a celeb before he realized it can't work since your job is to write about your "friends". Radar online has become a teen mom/housewives gossip site. Like it or not, tmz is the best place to get dirt.

Since all microwave popcorns are bound to give you cancer and I'm a popcorn addict, I just go for the cheapest and most fake-butteriest kind on the market. I recommend Blast-O-Butter brand. It tastes as fake as the movie theater popcorn and is great for Internet fights! Yum!

Some corrupt charity?

Good, because no one is asking you to fire up the "outrage turbine"! This is a story about a restaurant owner who turned a kind of shitty thing into something positive! Fire up the happy turbine!

Person of color. But it's ok of you're not because thesaladbowl is open to all. Its just specific person of color focus :)

I am awesome :) And I associate with awesome people.

How long have you been commenting? I feel like I should have seen you around.

This was my first thought too. Like a 2014 Boo Radley. Friendly and terrifying.

That's enough internet for me today.

Yes. It's clearly a red herring. Only his head deserves to serve as a fedora platform.

One of his dealbreakers is wearing a fedora...but that could be because he's the only one alllowed?

And then he nodded, satisfied with his list and convinced that he had hit the basic deal-breakers. Then he put on his fedora, went online, and complained that no women ever want to date such a nice guy like him.

"You lecture others ad nauseum about how you contribute to society"...but...that's basically all this list is!?

I haven't even read the list yet but I had to be the first to say: I know Romeo Rose, I flirted shamelessly on the internet with Romeo Rose, and you, sir, are no Romeo Rose.

Amazing. A person who doesn't like people who "belittle" trans people yet in the very next statement writes something that is incredibly belittling to trans people. Holy fucking shit.