
man, i wish i lived in a world where your response was relevant to my post.

Yes, exactly! Thanks!

That's exactly it...wow, thank you so much! I remembered it by the flames on the cover. I'm a sucker for books like this, but this one in particular really got me.

Thank you for clearing that up....what a relief!

....still waiting for someone to care about what you have to say.....

I just remembered I should have mentioned the climax of the book is that she basically lit her whole house on fire and killed her children and pets. If anyone remembers this book (mid 80's to 90's era) I would sincerely appreciate it!

Are you me?

Exactly! I can't believe I'm about to say this phrase, but as Dr. Phil always says, "I'd rather investigate a thousand false-positives than miss one abuser." It sounds a little crazy, but we live in a society of apathy. People forget that SOMEONE needs to be the whistle blower in terrible situations like these. I'm

Why stop at nine? I'd like to imagine a 10th, even more fucked up circle reserved for folks such as her.

Yeah, when I first read the headline, I was expecting some prolific blogger with a large following of sympathetic sheep. This was kinda click-baitey if you ask me. Still just as sad, but a little misleading.

I agree....a baby depends on a mother and for a mother to abuse that love and trust....ughhhh it boild my blood. And I don't even have kids.

This is the most FUCKED UP thing someone can do to another. Exploiting their innocence and dependence for your own personal gain....we have really lost ourselves as a species at this point.

There's a book I read a while back that reminded me of this...it was a true story of a wife of a doctor and mother who slowly lost her grip on reality and plotted to injure her children in order to gain sympathy and more money in her divorce..I know this is pretty vague but DAMN that was a good bood. I'd love to read

I am trying to think of a worse thing to do to someone else but I am having trouble coming up with one. People intentionally torture and abuse the people that depend on them so that they can, in turn, get attention and sympathy. It is so sick and so bad on so many levels...to me it is way worse than just a random

Asking as someone who has little experience/knowledge in this, does this mean it carries a lighter sentence than if she, say, smothered/shot/etc. him or did anything else that *intentionally* caused his death? Because the fact that he suffered so long and so painfully...it almost makes this worse to me. Poor kid.

I read the same site and it was sickening and very fascinating at the same time. All the interest and discussion just makes it that much sadder that this boy could still be alive today if someone realized how messed up "Mommy Lacey" was.

Hmm interesting thanks for that...I love insider stories!

I was curious as to your opinion regarding D'ella and googled him...the first article that popped up was titled "'Undateable Actor Speaks out Against #yesallwomen".....and then I stopped being curious.

I'd have to agree with you...I briefly dated a guy who kinda ran in her comedy circle before she got TBG (which according to him, the original creator just added her as a creator to ensure it got picked up, she didn't actually create/contribute at all) and he really had nothing good to say about her.

Oooohhhh, you're gonna get it. And it's very well-deserved *rubs hands together*