
Let's not all forget that poor Quasi hunted down the poor girl's corpse where it was thrown in the midden and lay beside it until he died of starvation.

In an even earlier version, she isn't just sleeping...and she never wakes up, despite giving birth to twins. Huzzah for creepy necrophiliac prince-dude.

The Frog Prince one I remember having a version of it where she throws the frog against the wall when I was a kid. Rapunzel I remember the price going blind from the Fairy Tale Theater version (you know the one that used to be hosted by Shelly Duvall) but I think they did leave the suicide part out.

When I was in high school my best friend was an old-money kind of dude, and his grandmother's place was full of freaky old books like that from the late 1800s. We'd get toasted and read aloud from the Green Fairy Book, and the Blue Fairy Book, and the Red Fairy Book, like it was Halloween. Kids' stories that embrace

In the version I had it was their mother. Actually in most fairy tales the evil one was originally the mother and was eventually changed to a step-mother so it wasn't so terrible.

Actually, the parents repeatedly dumped them in the forest. The first couple of times the kids were able to collect shiney pebbles that glowed in moonlight and drop them as a trail but the last time the parents locked them in the house so they weren't able to collect them. They tore up their last piece of bread as a

The Grimm version, Allerleirauh, is even more fucked up. It starts out the same, but she puts her father off by asking for three different dresses, and then a mantle made from fur of every kind of animal in the kingdom, thinking that each of these will be unachievable. When he presents the mantle to her, she takes it

Perhaps not in the version you read, but I remember reading one where Cinderella ended with the stepmother and stepsisters either being banished to a cave or going home to the cave they lived in (can't recall), and "They all lived happily ever after!" involved the cave collapsing and crushing them to death.

I think so as well. That princess clearly suffers from a disorder that requires treatment. Also, sex would probably be really boring if she finishes after some light cuddling, what with her being that sensitive and all.

Anyone else remember the version of Rapunzel where she had babies out of wedlock (puritanical shock!)? I had a picture book of this version as a kid.

Oooh, yes, now I remember about the mother's grave in Cinderella. One version I read, her father is going on a trip and he asks her and her stepsisters what he wants them to bring back. The stepsisters as for some sort of gift, but she asks for the twig from a tree that brushes his hat off. Some tree on the road

My grandmother purchased a number of books to keep the grandkids entertained when we visited. She didn't bother to check them out first. I do not know what the collection was, but the versions were much darker, some even darker than what's posted in this article.

The Snow White bit is especially nasty as they're forcing her to dance at Snow White/Prince Charming's wedding. Nothing brightens up a wedding like a good bit of torture/murder!

Guess what? Whatever is the oldest version we have written down in book form?

The boobs in the image should be added to the list of grotesque things added by modern fairy tales.

Have you read "Uncle Shelby's ABZ Book?"

But you failed to answer the most important question in this fairy tale. Does she start shitting gold for the prince and does that turn into a fetish for him?

I distinctly remember those versions of "Little Mermaid," "Rapunzel," and "Cinderella." Today I was introduced to "Donkeyskin." That one is effed up as well. A king has many prized possessions including a donkey that poos gold. His wife dies and makes him promise that he will only remarry someone as lovely as she

"Hello, this is Dr. Marvin Monroe. Let's build your vocabulary. A — Abattoir. Slaughterhouse. The cow was slaughtered in the abattoir.''

Ah, the lost plot point wherein the prince must battle domain squatters on the internet. Thanks!