
You're what's wrong with this world my friend.

Or human blood.

Now playing

That's literally one of my favorite songs in the world. Although this wasn't my favorite performance, it's a classic old time song. Here's my favorite rendition.

Drunk dialing is about to get really awkward...


One of the best side-scrollers to come out since the 90's

I'm assuming this is a hilariously thought out joke???? Because if it is, you are very funny.


Every time I replay that game, I get a bit teary when Agro falls. Then the emotions well up again when he hobbles back to the temple...

Yeah, sadly those 24 hours didn't help your bigotry.

I was thinking more...

And so it begins.

Your jokes are so bad that they 'bore' me?

I agree completely. Unless, of course, they can update it with proper next-gen graphics, amazing reinvented atmospheres, edited dialogue, and a unique battle scheme... I'm talking a straight up reboot of FFVII. Wait... isn't that what this article is critiquing?

It's been with Eidos since the first one!!! Remember the bear!

That guy is having a BAAAAAAAAAAAAD day.