Sony Representative: All bundled with all of our exclusive titl-
Sony Representative: All bundled with all of our exclusive titl-
Who the @#$% payed to see this? Yeah, Final Fantasy VII was a game, but why do we need a live-action web series? This is just as bad as forward onto dawn.....least do something creative like the "There will be Brawl" guys did, damn.
Honestly, the only thing I find on this list refreshing is Valvrave the Liberator and that's a strech. I don't need another anime about some kid who has to vengeance on blah blah for the sake of blah blah but discovers they have a hidden power that blahblahbiddyblahbluppfffttttt nope. I think it's a refresher to see…
Honestly, if Doug as a professional keeps out his political views from his games (like he has), then he and everyone who work on his games get my full support for they're fun and that's all I need in a game now-in-days.
Is it already to late to throw Half-Life 2 in there as well?
Should we expect DLC or Pre-order bonuses?