
I adore him but I cannot get into Dracula. Slogged through two episodes before giving up. Does it get better?

I was going to say the same thing, but you said it so well that it rendered my comment unnecessary.

Um, I think it's weird. How much does a civil servant in the Parks & Rec dept in your area make? Probably not Barney's money.

I think it is weird to drop $100-$200 on a blouse when your salary isn't going to be any more than $45k. Tops. They're working beauracracy in small town America. Most blouses are going to be picked up at JC Penney and TJ Maxx.

I'm probably the only person that feels this way, but here goes. That Liam fellow gives me a major case of the boredoms. Whether he opens his mouth to speak or not, he has a perpetually constipated face and he's duller than a box of door knobs. There are a zillion pretty boys like him in Hollywood and until he can


I hate caps, but today I will do it.

I'm pulling for Miley on this one. She's been a bit of a train wreck as of late, but he's a cheated more than enough for her to kick him to the curb. That and the fact that she's 10 million times more popular than he is anyway.

Russell Brand is pretty awesome, until he divorces you over text message.

Holy shit I just joined team Russell Brand.

I would show up live on the plaza for that.

Lantern-jawed white guys are so underrepresented on the teevee! I'm so glad that the Today Show is fixing the problem!

Not my favorite song of hers, but I want my hair that color of pink. Stupid professional job.

A very bold comment.

At 7,000 Starbucks eh? What about the Starbucks on the next block?

I just giggle seeing all the cuteness. Holy crap.

I agree with the move on sentiment of the others, but I think all the 'fuck him' is a bit much. You want to keep a connection to your past and 'always try' to keep some kind of contact. Other people like to move on and close the chapter when relationships have run their course. Neither is 'right' or 'wrong', it is

I traveled for work for 2 years. 8 weeks away and then an average of 3 weeks at home. I found that bringing familiar things along anchored me in whatever hotel room I was existing in. Alarm clock, pillow, etc. The front desk clerk can be your best friend, or your worst enemy. So I was always sweet as pie to them

Hey y'all! I am happy to be back here around my Jezzies.