
Even if there isn’t a tech bubble, they keep breaking city laws right and left with their belief that their service is somehow above the regulations that other taxi companies have to follow for the safety of both the customers and their drivers, so I’d hope they’d get nailed enough on those factors to either lose

Hey Trump - Thanks for all the preempted commercials I now have to make good because you couldn’t shut your fucking trap, asshole.

One of the anchors at the new station I work at interviewed a young woman in the bathroom at the RNC who was crying because Omarosa bitched her out for getting close to her and Trump. And when the anchor tweeted out the interview Omarosa spent the next few days trolling the shit out of the anchor, who by the way is

“Piling onto what’s shaping up to be a pretty bad week for the Trump administration...” You mean every week? 

I honestly do imagine that since the election cycle started, many of Trump’s and Ivanka’s businesses have been affected negatively, and that it’s that point in the timeline for businesses that carry their products to re-assess their value to consumers. I don’t think it was necessarily a choice based on disliking the

There’s a good chance he’s gonna get HIMSELF killed

I go to St. Luke’s in Kansas City, and I had a really good OBGYN but then she left the practice to start teaching at KU... I started seeing another doctor at that clinic and when I was in the waiting room I saw a fucking Focus on the Family prenatal book on the side table. I’m still pretending that it didn’t happen,

This scares the crap out of me. I luckily got my IUD 2 1/2 years ago so I’m good for another 2 1/2 years but I’ve been having more cramping with it so I’m thinking about seeing my OBGYN and making sure it’s still a good option for me... but if I have to get it removed and replaced with another IUD or other type of

My boyfriend still goes to the local tournaments in town when they release new packs, and the new cards are kind of jumping the shark. Now they have vehicle-type cards. And I think in order to use it you have to turn it into an artifact creature or something.

“From the outside looking in... they don’t know.” No shit lady, the show wasn’t telling us anything.

That’s got to be incredibly stressful for you and your family right now, I’m very sorry to hear this.

I feel like the Friends of the Housewives end up always being bad news - that is, more than the rest of the actual cast. Remember that party planner chick Dana who bragged about her $20k sunglasses at a kid’s birthday party, only to find herself in serious trouble pleading guilty to fraud charges? Or that crazy

How is this not a scam? You’re basically paying to join a clique and nothing is guaranteed - At least at a country club you’re guaranteed access to certain amenities when they’re open.

While I’ve also pondered if she’s in an emotionally abusive relationship with him, I have to wonder if that were true, would he let her stay in NYC for 6 months alone? Or do you think he’d feel enough in control of her by having his minions watch her while she’s there?

Skyrim Remaster, my NYTimes Crossword app (although sometimes that can contain too much current events), NBA 2k17. I finished the first Mass Effect last night and ME2 & 3 are on the way in the mail (bought used for a complete total of $20). If I run out of all that stuff, I might go back to Fallout 4 but that was my

That first press conference Spicer did scared the shit out of me - I mean it. The spokesperson for not only the Trump administration but OUR COUNTRY is lying through his goddamn teeth to us and the world about the pettiest shit. And I told myself and my boyfriend, we gotta retweet every single time someone points out

I am so incredibly bummed that I cannot be in DC or to the KC march today because of work but so proud of all these marchers - including my aunts and uncles and friends who made it to the D.C. Event.

Also she doesn’t understand the difference between proficiency and growth. I’m not sure if that means she’ll cause more havoc or won’t because of that.

I’m with you too man. Sometimes you just gotta get off twitter and head straight into Skyrim instead (or at least that’s what I do).

You are so bad at trolling. Get a day job.