So beautiful, thank you. Pretty much sums up what Cracked predicted months ago
So beautiful, thank you. Pretty much sums up what Cracked predicted months ago
I’m shocked repealing Roe vs. Wade isn’t on there. I wonder what those one-issue evangelical voters are thinking now?! (probably “10/10, will vote again”)
I’ve been hysterically crying to my boyfriend, who’s in DC for work, over the phone for like an hour now
It literally happened to me last night in the auditorium booth that I work in part time at a museum. And I cried all night because I was too afraid to tell him to stop because he was a guest invited there and I’m an employee. Wouldn’t he just complain about me to my employer if I yelled at him, or slapped him, or…
Also, (as a millennial) you know who doesn’t have money to spend on nice hotels? Younger people.
Kind of off topic, but ripe for discussion: this editorial about Trump not only being clinical narcissist, but also maybe being on the autism spectrum, since he displays symptoms of narcissistic alexithymia. It makes TOTAL sense. Everything he describes is very polar: either tremendous or tremendously bad. He seeks…
I totally agree that she’s done those things and they are shitty things to do, no doubt. I’m more referring to the fact that she doesn’t tweet repugnant things every days like Thing 1 - and Thing 2
To be fair, she’s 1000% better than DT Jr. and Dracula
From a Kansas Citian, to everyone: I’m sorry
If this is what they’re leaking 1 month before Election Day, imagine what will be leaked the day before Election Day...
I made my boyfriend watch this and when the host asked the guy if he can do karate, my boyfriend gasped louder than I’ve ever heard him. We were both melting from how uncomfortable we felt watching these poor strangers being humiliated by a fucking frat boy
I have an alternative theory on this whole thing: I think instead of Trump wanted to fuck his daughter, I think he instead wants validation that a person he created with 50% his DNA is fuckable. Because he’s THAT much of a narcissist.
None of what you said supports the idea that 1/3 Syrian refugees are terrorists, does it?
The most offensive part of this meme to me is where that statistic comes from, that 1/3 refugees are terrorists, because no way in hell that is true.
Here’s the truth of what happened: Trump was clearly scared out of his fucking mind to be in a room of black people. He was reading of a page it looked like, because he knows his audience would be easily offended by the improve bullshit he spews on a daily basis, but he’s too scared to face those people he hurts with…
I hated the interface of Tidal. Also, their "radio" shuffle was god-awful. Like it must have had broken algorithm or something because it would just play every song from some poor-quality, obscure album I'd never heard of, like almost in a row.
But is it really appropriate to criticize what women are wearing because it doesn’t fit their body type (I.e. Assuming they don’t work out because they seem overweight)? As a pro choice woman I’m pretty adamant about the idea of your body, your choice. And that extends to what clothes you wear. You might not choose to…
But what does “let drivers be human” mean?!?!
When I worked in Beijing, my work building has squat toilets on odd numbered floors and western toilets on even numbered floors (?). So I went downstairs to use the western toilet and when I walked in a one woman was in there, using the stall that did not have a door for some reason. I just walked by and went into the…
So basically we’re all a herd of wildebeests when it comes of potential shootings now.