I’m very sorry for your loss. I can relate to your story in two ways:
I’m very sorry for your loss. I can relate to your story in two ways:
So do we know a US release date?
To me, because it’s the prosecution’s burden to prove that someone committed the crime they are charged with, I think the only thing that matters is that the state should have had enough evidence to prove he did it. While I acknowledge I wasn't a juror and didn't see the whole trial (few can say they have), I haven't…
Nick Valentine has become one of my favorite video game characters ever. I can't tell you how, but for a synth (and a video game character) he comes off incredibly sincere and human. I'm trying to have my current character pair with as many companions as I can to gain perks, but I find myself wanting to grab Nick…
Isn't everything he says just free-form jazz? I mean, if you sat down a read a transcript of every debate he's been in, everything is says is word salad.
“This is so typical of the left to immediately begin demonizing a messenger because they don’t agree with the message.”
The best thing to happen to that kid was the subsistent media coverage of his wrongful treatment. AFTER he was defamed and labeled a terrorist. No amount of money takes away the islamophobia.
That link says if he has more than $1,245,475 then the excess can go to his creditors... do we know if Sandusky made that much?
Smart, smart woman. I've always told myself if I'm in a situation with a live active gunman ( honestly, with the way things have been I'm SHOCKED I haven't been) I'll play dead if there's an opportunity to do so. I figure the gunman isn't going to waste bullets on someone who looks dead versus finding moving targets,…
This is fucking ridiculous and probably a violation of the patients’ privacy. And it feels helpless too: I mean, what are these patients and employees supposed to do? Texas does not give a shit about them.
Why does porn make people so irate? Don’t they realize masturbation fixes that?
Pro-tip: exercise. I sleep so much better now that I exercise on a regular basis.
Don't worry, I'm sure there's a Huckabee rally in hell waiting for her to arrive one day.
You guys this guy is running for president and he doesn't even understand how laws work.
I don't care anyone hates me for saying this, but Kendall Jenner is shaping up to be a pretty good runway model
Thank god everyone was able to get off in time. That picture is horrifying.
Apologies if someone’s already asked this, but I have a question: If she's in jail, who takes over her duties? Or does the office just shut down, basically leaving the same issues in place of people of any sex not being able to marry one another?
This is why I NEVER get my bags checked. Put everything you really need in a carry-on bag, and utilize the space of your personal item (usually a backpack with toiletries, my purse, meds, etc). Don't let strangers touch your things when you're not around!
I used to be someone who made fun of people who won’t eat gluten even though they physically can. And then I was diagnosed as gluten-intolerant (I realized why I felt like crap all the time!) and was almost thankful for the vast amount of gluten-free products out there. It’s overpriced, but still...
Kylie Jenner is almost unrecognizable here. And I feel bad for her: Growing up in that family, essentially on TV for a bulk of her childhood, probably hasn’t fostered great self-esteem.