
And that's what happens when you get your sushi from the supermarket.

Indeed, or severed.

The color red, while highly visible to the human eye, is used as a defense mechanism in the animal world. The color tends to mean "I'm dangerous", "I taste bad" or "I have intimacy issues".

Ah, that's really interesting. Thanks for that information, seriously, I wasn't aware there were areas locked down like that.

Especially the overcompensation.

I didn't see their comment but based on your reply, I'd rather not.

It's a comparison to give an idea of the size...

I'm all for tipping delivery people but they should get out of the damn car. Delivery isn't to the building, it's to you. I fully support your method.

No, Gawker is not the original poster in the sense you're thinking. Gawker is a website/company. They don't post anything, their employees do (obviously you were aware of that). That said, different employees posted the story differently.

Well, people in wheelchairs do do the Special Olympics but obviously not exclusively. They also do that intense wheelchair rugby. No snark whatsoever, that stuff is impressive as hell.

Apparently half-hearted joking around is considered whining now. That's an interesting development.

I do stunt work, not sure how suggesting you tip the person who's bringing you your food makes me entitled but I guess you can't win 'em all.

I'd promote this but Sam Biddle hates me and took my star. So I'll comment on it and hope that draws more attention for someone else to promote!

Fortunately, natural selection tries to make that judgement for me so I don't have to worry about it but that's an excellent quote. Well done.

If this were America that she was living in, she'd sue Apple and possibly win. Something about it not having a warning label that it could do damage if it hits you hard enough or having soft rubber edges.

This entire comment chain makes me happy.

You completely ignored the parts of my post that addressed what you just replied with. That means you're either intentionally ignorant or just a giant asshole. That's not an attack, that's an observation.

I was just about to commend you on your "Here's a thought." post. Well done!

Devil's advocate away, I'm game.

We're talking about restaurants with waiters. What the hell restaurant do you go to, pay $20 for a lobster and then grill it yourself? Yeah, $50 for a lobster dinner is a bit much though, agreed. Maybe he meant a dinner for two and ISOHaven eats alone.