
I agree, there are a lot of people who should't have had kids because their kids are annoying little shits who grow up to be whiny adult shits.

And needs to be beaten again as a grown up.

$3 is the average tip. If your food got there faster than you expected, $4 is entirely reasonable. If the delivery person is just awesome, $5. I wouldn't tip over that usually unless you're ordering mass quantities for a party.

There is so much wrong with your post that I don't even know where to begin. Your own argument could be used against you.

I frequently leave bad tips, not because I'm a cheap jerk but because the service sucked. If service was good, I usually tip 18-20%. I have no problem walking out leaving nothing if I had horrible service.

How much do you tip delivery guys?

I tend to reply with "You're an idiot, use words."

I came here to post these same sentiments. Site hits must be low because things have been progressively getting more and more sensational.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit skeptical on this one. Placebo effect possibly? I'm not sure how something that apparently works so well and has been out for 20 years, if not longer, doesn't have mainstream success.

Isn't God of War more or less an evolution of Gauntlet, which was a multiplayer arcade title? What are these dudes smoking?

As a man, I support this fully. Prevention is so much better than treatment.

I have it on VHS, DvD and BluRay. Yeah, that happened.

As a professional stuntperson, that floor is awesome. When can I move in?

I'll take "The penis mightier" for 300.

I think we should monitor world population and keep it at a 1:1 ratio. I mean, nothing will truly be equal unless we have an equal world-wide population. Have twin boys but someone else had one girl? Sorry, one of them has to go.

You're right. While I was, of course, being 100% serious and not facetious at all, keeping people who can't handle having children from having children would be a horrible thing to do and a slap in the face for everyone who has fought against this legislature since our ancestors landed on this continent.

What's even crazier than the article in question is reporting on it like it's news. Had a woman written it, would the reaction have been the same? I hear people, both male and female, talking about their crazy ex frequently.

That's why I never leave home without my Skeletool.

What's wrong with toolbars?

That's Sam's best side? Poor guy...