
Why is it set in stone that the woman would have to be responsible after it came out of the tube? That's pretty sexist.

I support a reversible sterilization of all people at birth, only reversed after reaching a certain age and taking a mental stability and intelligence test. I'd also staff it entirely with non-white women so no prejudice could be claimed.

Wow. I was going to post something pertinent to the discussion but this just taught me so much more about her than formal education did that I forgot what it was I was going to say.

Cool looking, sure, but wouldn't it be significantly easier, cheaper and fixable to make that process digital instead of mechanical?

You're my hero.

I'm going to have to disagree on the evilness of the LBPK Kevin Butler skin. While it may be an ad, it's either an ad for PS3 (the console you're playing the game on) or LBP (the franchise you're playing). While there may not be a release date, the cost of the preorder comes out of the cost of the game so you're

My most used Xbox controlled was actually a 3D printed prototype controller that never got released. It was from Microsoft and I don't recall exactly where the B&W buttons were but they were a helluva lot easier to use than the standard controller.

I was sitting here listening to Jason Mraz's albums on Spotify, now I'm going to have to switch over to All That Remains. Haven't listened to that album in quite a while. "This Calling" is still likely my favorite off the album but "Not Alone" is a solid track.

If you're a PC gamer, the best peripheral investment you can make is a 2nd monitor, in my opinion. I always have a dedicated browser up on my other screen. I just click over, find my info and click back. Nice and fast, I can use whatever browser I want and have never had an issue with either of those because I don't

Don't feel bad; I lost mine for suggesting the best way to avoid pregnancy was to avoid sex. I must be an extremist of some sort.

Earthbound remains one of my favorite games of all time. It's so amusingly bizarre, witty and nonsensical that I couldn't put it down when it first came out.

Kentucky: The Florida of the south.

It always inspires me to see the creativity that goes into the naming process of these things.

Yeah, I kinda feel like the video is misleading. Maybe if we had gotten one almond hammered with the protector and one without it would have been better.

I kept hearing my friends complain about shin splints after runs but I never had the issue. None of us could figure out why exactly until one day we made the connection. I'm a drummer. Not drumline type but rock n' roll. The motion of pressing and releasing the pedals strengthens the same muscle that these toe lifts

Of course quality impacts price but $350 for a single knife is absurd when you could spend less than half that and get a knife that will last you your entire life. I can chop lettuce for my salads with a Katana but at some point you have to step back and ask yourself "Why?". Most likely, in both cases, the answer is

Good heavens. At those prices you may as well just have everyone in the room drop their pants and have a measuring contest. That's intense.They look amazing but I personally can't justify the cost vs functionality disparity.

As someone who frequently cooks gourmet food, "optimized for speed" made me chuckle. Also, no "seasoned chef" who has any idea what they're doing would buy only one knife. That's like a mechanic buying only one size of wrench.

Yeah, I think you're replying to the wrong person. I never said anyone was justifying ripping anyone off.

Did you even read? He said mom and pop chains will struggle because of this. I said they won't and provided numbers.