Flavor Gave

Give up.

Thanks I HAD to know how many raccoons got tossed... or if it was a workout... or for a Guiness Book thing.

Wrong. No pics of the police shaking down the guests for their cars and wallets.

This was worse than the "Start working at home with Google!" post. Someone go tell your parent to get out of our sandbox.

they fight in the new Stadium?

Besides the anecdote, how is this NEWs?

That gif of the black kids missing his fronts is playing in my head. Your mission is accomplished.

It was Horace Broadnaxing before that. Ask a 40+ y/o Hoya fan.

So he's supposed to stand beside the plate like a matador and HOPE to catch the ball since a runner is incoming? Not fair.

So he's supposed to stand beside the plate like a matador and HOPE to catch the ball since a runner is incoming? Not fair.

A couple of pins, some twine and a few months of PT and he'll be as good as new-ish. That X-Ray looks like mine. Strange though. I couldn't bend my knee for money. I had to keep it straight until well after the surgery and I started PT.

How do you make someone go to a fake class?