The serialized, interlinked storytelling is the MCU’s secret weapon. If you want standalone movies and shows that have nothing to do with each other, go to DC.
The serialized, interlinked storytelling is the MCU’s secret weapon. If you want standalone movies and shows that have nothing to do with each other, go to DC.
This one is just evil
Walter White is calling
There is no answer. Eleanor is the answer.
Are you “Powered by Honda” perchance?
No SD card slot? WTF?
The current Xbox ones are pretty damn good.
The current Xbox ones are pretty damn good.
Holy Fudgeknuckles. That was something...else. He edited like he learned movie making in Bollywood...and failed.
Laughs in San Diego
A) It doesn’t matter what David Crosby thinks.
My guess it has a lot to do with the “surgeon” aspect of plastic surgeon. My understanding is that there are a lot more male surgeons than female ones (although I have also seen studies that say women make better surgeons...).
...and think “black names” should be banned.
Ha ha?
Conservative Squad
Cunserativ Squad
Cunertiv Squad
Cuneti Squad
Cunt Squad
Fleetwood over the Beatles? Petty over Queen? Styx?
Harambe all over again.
I should have clarified - no I do not. I am a doctor and still just prefer my first name.
I really dislike being called “boss” by people who I do not supervise. It feels passive-aggressive.
He is trying to frighten us gunless liberals.
HOW LONG? Haven’t we blown past the point where we could expect the GOP to have exercised restraint? He can’t cross the line if there is no line to cross...