
After seeing these pictures I was all like “WTF Deadspin why are we making fun of people with special needs” then I googled Mark Davis and I realized this is not in fact a special needs person but in fact someone who willingly and apparently not because of a lost bet got that hairdo and one day decided white is OK

Thank you, I need to brighten all my friends’ day with this.

Well, so much for years of therapy to cure my nightmares - after seeing that picture, THEY'RE BACK

Jesus christ fafafoohai, that will scar me forever.

JESUS, that’s terrifying.

Now that’s a cool story bro!

Trophy hunter truthers who think that this kind of shit helps animal conservation are absolutely the fucking worst.

“If you make this about anything else, I’m not going to respond to you!”

is eagerly taking advantage of the unsupervised open space below to post your unneeded, unwanted and ultimately entirely impertinent opinions about the post or Gawker in general, I won’t bestow upon you the validation of acknowledging your individual poorly-thought-out and selfish comments, but I will say to all of

OH MY GOD STOP FUCKING CRYING. HE DIDN’T FUCKING DIE. He made a horrible mistake and in the end, it cost him his job. Is there ANYONE at Gawker who can deal with this within the normal spectrum of human behavior!?

How noble.

It’s great that he was a good friend. Before judging those nasty, filthy commenters that never knew him, though, maybe you should consider whether some of the people that Deadspin et al slag on might also be decent people who are beloved by their colleagues. This is what people—including Deadspin writers—do on the

If you don’t want people commenting on something, then don’t post it across a network of websites whose business model is premised on an active and often inflammatory comments section. Since when is Gawker Media or Kinja about what is wanted, needed, or pertinent? I don’t care about Albert Burneko’s family any more or

Beautiful and heartfelt it may be, but entirely self-absorbed, just as its subject fittingly enough.

Ooh, hot take here. I feel burnt.

A lot of competition for sure, but I'm confident this is the stupidest shit I've ever read.

What in the actual fuck was this?

I disagree. My dad is a golfer and a motorcyclist. He would not want fishing gear

It wasn’t leaked so The Cardinals can hold it over your head forever like every fucking other thing they do

Easy.. Lou’s meltdown at Wrigley