
While viewing this, I can’t help but be reminded of that really fun buddy-comedy staring Thor and Rain Man.

It’s is his life and he can do what he wants!

An alternator reality turbo.

No regerts!

This has been making the rounds on the great interconnected-compu-net, and it’s just so stunningly, sublimely awful

#corrections: “Happily, one was hurt, and we got this amazing photograph.”

I think the only way I’d drive that in a McLaren if it was someone else’s.

Watch the movie again, but mentally replace Hugo Drax with Elon Musk.

It’s not a joke. He saw a documentary on terrorists attacking America with orchids!

Obligatory new Micra post.

It wasn’t entirely devoted to car culture. They also found time to exercise the western cliche of Japanese food being repugnant to our palettes. Oh, and sumo wrestlers. They made fun of sumo wrestlers, too. So, on balance: Cars: interesting. Social customs: trite and insensitive.

The samurai/ninja/anime stuff is tired.

Nope sorry Austin A35 and I think the engine is a 3.8 due to the SU carbs as the 4.2s had dual Strombergs, or not

I mean, they made 38 hp from 4.8-liter engine, so, yeah.