
Or like a shrunken Lamborghini LM002.

Until today, I never considered what a list of Popemobiles ranked by obscurity might look like.

Malagasy, because Madagascarian sounds like a serial killer in eye makeup.

Jesus prayed, but he also upset the money-changers’ tables.

Two of my favorite MLK quotes

Yeah, makes more sense if it’s a stradale. I still don’t like to see it like that, as the stradale is quite a rare car too. On the other hand it’s being used, so there’s that...

Early in the video is a closeup of the car from behind down low. You and see the bottom of the engine (and some turbo plumbing) right about the rear diff.

These taillights are found on the S4 Stradale.

Im still not convinced. Who knows what kind of bodywork repairs a 30 yr-old rally car has had to endure? Maybe its an S4 Stradale? I doubt its an Integrale though. Too much work shortening the car, rebuilding the entire rear end and relocating the drivetrain.

Coincidence that this was on Reddit front page?

That’s a Maestro as well, but interestingly not the blue Maestro seen before.

I believe it. With “Don’t Panic” on the screen, one must assume that Elon wouldn’t overlook something so fundamental as packing a towel.

Scott Speed has acted like this for a long time. When someone calls him out for acting like an ass, his favorite defense is usually something along the lines of “I’m a real life racecar driver and you’re a fucking loser”.

I’m mostly disappointed becasue I was a fan of his real life performance. He struggled in Formula