This is why you check for Mustangs on board before going to the local Boats ‘n’ Beverages…
This is why you check for Mustangs on board before going to the local Boats ‘n’ Beverages…
3 kids in a 90 Integra hatch says you are wrong.
My mom drove a civic wagovan. My dad drove a 92 integra until he gave it to me. I’m a halfway decent person. We did 4 person road trips and played sports and all of that. Practicality is all relative I suppose. Oh and my mom had and Olds after the wagovan gave up the ghost.
Yep, and said owner of expensive car will still be in the Graduated Licensing Program of either province at time of purchase. It’s hardly shocking to see a McLaren or Lamborghini on the streets of Vancouver with a green “N” sign visible on the back. Sweet, sweet money laundering that is.
This is it. The answer is Pfaff Auto. When I see one of their license plate surrounds, I usually assume that’s someone who paid too much for their car.
And probably gave the previous owner 2k in trade.
“In the absence of a crosswalk at an intersection, drivers must stop before reaching the intersection. If there is a crosswalk, drivers must allow a pedestrian who has the proper signal to cross the street. If a motor vehicle has a green light, pedestrians and bicyclists should yield the right of way to that vehicle.”
Amen. A car length and a half is not an opening, it is stopping distance!
Yup - this is the #1 thing going through my mind when I’m riding my motorcycle.
I’m also amazed by how many people simply fail to take into account stopping distance.
You need to bump up your life insurance on your wife NOW!
Try walking down the sidewalk in NYC without a bunch of idiots on their phones not watching where they walk. Sometimes, they stop to check their phone in the middle of a busy street or block up subway entrances because their digital lives are so much more important. Sometimes, I don’t even bother with the excuse me…
Yea this is true, I am so surprised at how aloof pedestrians are sometimes. When I am walking around high volume and high traffic streets I am constantly checking everything. I sure as hell do not want to get hit and killed by a fucking car, that ain’t on my to-do list.
Completely lost on the people you’re addressing. They simply don’t care. Their desire to be responding to texts immediately is far more important to them than being safe. If quizzed, they won’t admit that, but the reality is that they’re not thinking safety when answering that text they’re just thinking that they have…
Well said.
You may be legally right, but who cares if you are dead or crippled for life?
Perfect. They could race a whole season and then wind back the ODO - sell it as new!
They should just take a couple dozen of these and have the F1 drivers spec race them. That way we’d get a real Driver’s championship, and it would sound much better in the process. I think F1 has hit the point of diminishing returns for developing new technology anyway.