Kogasa Tatara

If you make stupid comments on Kotaku you suck!

I think the outdoor training was based on an expectation of the Sochi venue's roof collapsing.

Relevant awesomeness

So they finally found something in the game that never crashes?

Good job.

But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.

A truly universal greeting.

Can't blame them, that patch of snow is the Burj Al Arab Hotel compared to their accommodations.

I had no reason to buy it last week.

Especially the last part.

I hope there's a super easy mode (or at the very least an old school solo trainer a la Wing Commander), because if it's going to be that immerse most of us will start to realize we're less Wedge Antilles and more Porkins in terms of flight skill.

He didn't spill a drop, did he? One drawback: If you use the "ideal" way to hold a burger, you probably should eat your fries before or after you finish it. Otherwise, it might be difficult to hold the burger like this and eat fries at the same time.

Some Pocket Princess

Sounds like he's getting plenty of court time.

PS4 2.22: You Can (Not) Buy a PS4