Kogasa Tatara

Likely not. The point is, Touhou characters can be used for any setting. For example, Warugki and Mizuki Hitoshi use Touhou characters as stand-ins for the real-life people to tell somewhat exaggerated tales of what goes on in their real life. This is not something that's seen with other series, including KanColle.

Typical woman, gets a sports car and heads straight to the passenger seat, where she belongs.

Team FourStar, who easily make the best abridged series of anything.

Now I feel affirmed.

Now playing

May I recommend Raiko's Theme Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat

Now playing

And who can forget the exceptional cover to Eye of the Tiger???

Yes, okay, can't disagree with you there.

My Wii U is made out of unobtanium.

Disqualified from consideration due to this image:

But this is better.

By my count, Tom, that's 14 people, a bear, two robots, a badger, and a football.

I'm grateful to the French for Cognac and Catherine Deneuve.

Huh, forgotten the fact owned versions can be updated as such for cheap.


Frank Thomas is the best. I used to work in the wood products industry and was in Chicago a few years ago on business. Once the meetings wound down, I had nothing better to do than swing by Comiskey and catch the last 4 innings of the game that was going on. I tried buying a ticket, but the strip on my card was

I absolutely love the 3DS. In terms of games and how much I'm having it, it REALLY reminds me of the SNES.

I just picked up DKCR 3D. CANT WAIT

Came in for TWEWY and left satisfied.