Food Network in a single picture, honestly.
Food Network in a single picture, honestly.
I can't help but notice, Ratchet looks a lot closer to his 3D Movie counterpart now.
There'll be Anime Weekend Atlanta in late September. I'll be going there, mostly because ZUN (Guy behind the Touhou Project series) will be a special guest there. 10 hour drive for me though, not looking forward to that.
Have to say, ditching Ethan and crew has been the best decision Tim made.
Logitech G15 or G510 (I use the latter.)
I've had hit or miss with them. The Razer Lachesis mouse I got back in 2008 still works like a champ. But one of their wireless ones died out on me. My dad has killed two of the Nagas with static electricity (Hurray for living in the desert.)
People are willing to go to some extreme extents. One website for an MMO I used to play, titled FFXI APP let people claim monsters as soon as the server packets were detected for the monster, allowed you to bot monsters, run a teleporting bot, or run from zone to zone automatically.
A remake has already been done. Check out Super Mario All Stars (SNES)
No, you spend all your money on the Steam's Summer sale.
Instead, EA should buy it.
My lord and savior, three days following your ban. I'm sure you will rise again.
Just wait for doujin groups like dBu and O-Life JP to do DDC music some justice. Granted, the stage themes have grown on me.
Yes, I'd love some sort of climatic struggle to end my game. That exhilating rush I get at the toughest boss fights that require a combination of strategy, skill, and patience that gets me a good adrenaline rush.
It was the most disappointing title I've ever played.
You don't even realize how fast a child can do something. Its not a matter of the parent letting their children play a game. Its nothing different than a Game Boy or Game Gear, or whatever device you carried in your pocket.
Well, perhaps it is different. This device is loaded with credit card information, and all it…
I'm sorry, that shit is some of the nastiest. I've never drank it, but having spend a deployment on the Enterprise, the smell of wintergreen (Anything really) makes me gag. I'd rather someone blow smoke into my face than dip.
Picture: A TDM in Defiance (Really, its the only PvP they had). Why do I play it? Because I dislike Death Match (Don't like stacked odds honestly), and I don't always have a team of people I converse with to formulate a plan. Team Deathmatch allows me to be support my team, while still having a group of people to…