I prove you wrong.
I prove you wrong.
"Best $322 I've ever gotten. Guys? Guys!?"
I'd put money that the members that got retained are being put to use on the new Star Wars: Battlefront, which will be released in winter 2015, right about when the third MoH: Reboot would have released (Going on with the competition against yearly Call of Duty releases.).
I'm with you there. I can't wait to play more DKRC.
When they decide to not make Assassin's Creed a buggy release, I'll be sure to pay attention about Ubisoft and their policy with Used Games on a system I probably won't buy.
Dragonite just got knocked down a peg.
Sony announces partnership with ZUN to bring the many Touhou games to the PS4.
No physical release? Hoping its a lengthy game still.
Thanks for the info. Was basing my knowledge off NiCad batteries.
It doesn't. Fully draining and then fully charging your battery will improve battery life. You're just prolonging the inevitable by switching out two batteries.
Couldn't be said better. +1 and all that jazz.
Dear no. It was literally a 360 (Old, White Model), that had its power button removed, with a hole to insert your phallic tool into, with handlebars attached to the side.
On that note (Because I can't edit my post anymore), does anyone remember the Xbox 360 someone modded into a sex toy? Remember seeing that post years ago.
I would say you'd place Xbox One as "Input One" on your TV and never need to change it.
I also get this Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare vibe from it.
What is the most graphically intense game you've played? What settings did it run, and what was the average FPS?
I put $2000 into mine, and I'm able to run Planetside 2 at a steady 30-40 frames with everything maxed out. Nvidia PhysX is disabled however.