
Maybe even better, since you won't look like a child with your fingers in your ears, lean in real close to the person you are trying to talk to, and speak in at a normal volume. Bonus, you get to get close to the girl/guy you are flirting with. But yeah, ear plugs are probably the best solution here.

I think you mean 1.4 micrograms. 1.4 grams is a lot in terms of crap stuck to your body.

Anyone who doesn't vote nice price on this has no soul. Rule 1 of NPOCP if it is less than 1000 and runs it is automatic nice price, unless it comes with dead hookers in the trunk. It is rear wheel drive, V8, it is automatic, but this isn't a performance car, but you can go 30mph in reverse, which should assist with

I think it might keep you from shocking the $#!t out of yourself when you get out of the car in winter, and since Russia is 99.999% winter it could be useful. SF bay area...not so much.

Since we are on the subject of obscuring things. Why is it in car comercials they use what apppears to be a real stamped license plate that is painted the color of the body. Why wouldn't they just use a blank plate, or better yet a vanity plate with the name of the car or car company on it? I always found this

You think you hate it now, wait until you drive it.

Doesn't exist. North Vernon, Indiana.

Love the car. I have fond memories of pine wood derby's gone by. I wish you luck, and hope that thing tracks straight.

How did everyone miss the Ferrari F40?

I got a little carried away once building my burrito, and the guy wrapping it caused a breach, and he offered to double wrap it. And I have to say it was nice having a little extra tortilla. So another hack would be to have them double wrap your burrito.

Put a suitcase full of $10.5k worth of blow in the trunk. Ta-Da a Cavalier worth 11.5k.

I really kind of like this version of 'No Diggity'. Does anyone know who sings it?

Dude I think it was a Ferrari!

I had a friend with an 086 IBM, and he was trying to clear out some old files in DOS. When he ran the 'dir' command, there were two files '*' and '*.*' his next command was 'del *.*'. Exactly 10ms later panic ensued, and we spent the rest of the day trying ot put it back.