
I love this.

Not only is it annoying that GM decided this was a good idea, it is annoying that it is legal in the US. Our government has tons of regulations in place that are restricting headlight technology but can’t regulate a damn reverse lamp.

10,000 times this. F GM for this one. I often see people waiting for vehicles equipped with this feature to pull out of a parking space on a busy street. Impeding traffic long after the owner has walked away from the vehicle. F you GM.

100x’s this. How many times have you been in a parking lot and seen reverse lights, so you wait for them to back out, only to find they just turned the car off? Whoever came up with this should be permanently black listed from working in the auto industry


Who the hell at GM decided that using the reverse lights as approach lamps was a good idea?

I would say unless he knew the person that is a dick move. Should try to goose a passenger on a motorcycle from my car ? Probably not.

ha ha, this is cute. the guy on the bike should lose his license before he kills himself.

That’s cool but isn’t Hokey religions and ancient weapons no match for a good blaster at your side?

When did Slimer become an X-Man? Did I miss a crossover with Ghostbusters? (I’m kidding)

Good, but it doesn’t quite go far enough, with three races left that means they will let him back on the track at Homestead, which is still possible for him to continue his stupid vendetta and try to take out the 22.

And of course he’s driving a Camaro.


People who drive giant SUVs and bitch about their poor gas mileage. What the hell did you expect?

my god it’s full of barnacles

This just in: deserts are hot!

The Magrathean sperm whale was a whale created from one of a pair of guided thermonuclear missiles several miles over the planet of Magrathea, after Arthur Dent initiated the use of the Infinite Improbability Drive. The probability of this occurring was 8,767,128 to 1 against. The whale has an existential life of

Damn right! I don’t give a fuck if they were stopped, they’re the same ones that do it while moving 99% of the time.

get off your phones, assholes.

Just imagine trying to evacuate this shit show.