
She's Australian? I thought she was English. I wonder what her real voice sounds like.

I shot cousin Roman in the face in GTA IV while he was just standing there smiling at me. I did it just to see if he'd die. Thankfully his head is made of tougher stuff. That guy from Enter The Dragon was right. It takes a lot to be ruthless. Hell the Sith betrayal in KOTOR was brutal enough. I think I will pick

What? An article from Dodai Stewart that doesn't voice concern about African-American representation? Shouldn't we be concerned that not enough erotic fiction contains positive depictions of African-American, and dare I say Jamaican-American couples engaging in femdom handjobs?

It's okay, no one is waiting for these articles like they are TV shows. As much as you want this gimmick to work, people will just read the posts whenever they get to them, if at all.

I didn't find anything offensive about the WNF stuff. I don't find faux concern about not being PC to be offensive. The comments about the NoS tweet were in-bounds. Harassing a female player about her bra size and spooning during a match isn't.

Nancy Grace is technically correct. The women of the view love to throw stones from behind their coffee cups. It almost seems like a Morrissey lyric. Kind of like 'The devil is dancing tonight."

I liked these better the first time when they were made for John Kerry.

Rush is blissfully unaware that the pill holds up the whole month, no matter how much insemination a woman has during the day. I do find it amusing that he phrased it as some girl asking for Congress to pay for her sex, and that she has so much it needs subsidizing. Maybe she has bad acne?

Mmmm Makers Mark 46.

I hope their severance packages were at least at the "purple" level.

If Sega makes a video game for this, they are wasting their time. UMVC3 is already out.

The same thing happened to him that happens to all these guys. They become older fathers and grandpas and their passion is gone for the craft. I suspect that's a really American situation as British actors seem to to get better with age.

Rachel Bilson is a witch!!! How dare she imply that slutty dresses are worn by sluts. Burn her at the stake!

Yeah I am pretty sure that's what kept Sarah Palin from being V.P. It wasn't a non-stop barrage of bad press and Tina Fey. No it was because they found that she weighs less then a duck, and therefore a witch.

What kind of hole in someone's life can be filled by paying $30,000 for a Neo Geo game? That is assuming it wasn't someone who is very rich like Seth Green making the buy.

So the child labor, predatory credit card, poison diet pills, and whoring out her wedding didn't out KK as being terrible? Where have you been?

I am sure people will buy these thinking they will appreciate in value. Can't wait to see that episode of Pawn Stars.

I played the demo. I thought the presentation was great. Along with the skip button being labeled as "Shut ____ up!" I was expecting Bayonetta like combos, but was let down.

They aren't just white old men. They are white old Democrats. The same people that raise money for all your favorite presidential candidates.

Damn those sexist women, voting for old white men. When will they ever learn?