
I agree with the grinding and breeding. Honestly, I'd make the next Pokemon like the doujin project. An actual fighter with combos and specials.

I watched Panic Room because it will be gone on Marc 1st. What a pointless movie. I watched all of Party Down already so its all good. I couldn't give less of a shit about The Man Without a Face and Spy Hard. I'd watch Astro Boy if it truly was a Japanese production. That would mean amazing robot violence, which for

Ever think these "racist" things are on purpose? I sure do because it prolongs the free publicity.

Kate Walsh's please fell on deaf ears. No one wants to look as old as Penelope Ann Miller. Not that I think there's anything wrong about how she looks. It' s just that P.A.M's face seems to be what every actress is trying to avoid, one full of age.

Good, now that's over with, all the articles bitching about sexism and racism in Oscar voting can be placed on hold for another year. I can stop bitching about them for another year too.

He could of meant bodacious, brazen, or brunette. Looks like a lot of people just inferred bitch because maybe there's some truth to it. I've got two words to describe her, "all hype". Regardless of her personality, she's a mediocre driver with her one an only win in 2008.

David Ortiz's supervision of high colonics for the other players are still a go.

Well clearly it's a conspiracy against the female gender to deny their yearly achievements. Women should boycott worldwide.

Spare me. Black women do not have the monopoly on being the "other" ethnicity. Why not complain about the lack of roles for different Asian nationalities in Tyler Perry or Ice Cube movies? Where's the grumble cakes for that? It's be far more interesting a read then the usual kvetching.

I dont' entirely buy the the demand argument. There is such a thing as creating a market for a product.

If they made block the <- stick command instead of a 5th button, I'd re-buy this game.

I downloaded the kindle version of all the Skyrim books. It's infinitely easier to read due to the serif font.

What did you expect? Grace and civility?

I do not miss these shitty games. I had the strategy guide for Space Quest and you had to use a special marker to reveal every part of the walk through. I think the book was like 200 pages. What a pain in the ass. The only thing that compares to it is the Final Fantasy IX strategy guide that requires that you use a

I can only imagine an 1940s style newsroom full of fast talking editors acting fast to make sure they get the scoop on a 3 year old that left her house. That'll sell papers! Not to belittle the horror of finding out your child took off in the middle of the night, but really as national news this event is insignificant.

Best part is that FedEx Kinko's doesn't exist any more. It's FedEx Office. Fed Ex spent $700,000,000 to re-brand all their stores 2 years ago. Every one still calls it Kinko's. I think they must have pissed away 3 billion on it since 2004.

I used to be lonely until a very ugly break up. Now, the silence is amazing. Even if I love again, it's going to be very difficult to share my space. I will avoid it like the plague until there is a compelling argument to breach that sanctity.

Yep, look at all those movies that Oscar voters decided weren't worth a nomination. Those 5,765 members sure are sexist. You'll still watch the show.

I am sure most Americans support free anything. I support free gasoline!

To paraphrase Trey Parker, "You'll buy it! Fuck you!" March 6th is Street Fighter vs Tekken day so I'll be dealing with that game's own DLC problems.