
Playing to the base in Texas is a wise move. Didn't you see W.? The ginger opponent called GWB out for being a Connecticut Yankee and he won. No one is ever going to lose an election in Texas because they were the most Christian.

Drag, click, and select is still better with a mouse. On a trackpad it's an awkward 2 finger affair.

I am going to miss that $700 I saved up for iPad 3, but it can't be helped if the screen is "retina".

Altus, then Capcom as a second choice.

The demo was pretty bitching, but I did not enjoy how shallow the game play was. From Capcom, I was expecting to be able to execute a ton of combos. What a let down in that regard though. It's a pass for me.

Fatty food isn't unhealthy.

If I had that kind of backing, I'd probably do the same thing. It's a dream of mine to be able to train. As Treize Khushrenada once said, "There is nothing more beautiful then a warrior without distractions."

Best news all day! Can't wait to get my hands on this.

Trading cards are so old fashioned. It's CCGs that have the kids all abuzz. I'd like to play the Dowager Countess to add +2 dry wit to my turn with Branson, the Grantham Heart Stealer on the field in attack mode.

I thought for a second this was a post on Jezebel.

This is exactly what I needed for my big push this year.

Growing up under the thumb of Diddy as a young woman has definitely made her a shark. She's going to make awesome TV once there's some real conflict.

I think Lorne Michaels is seriously doing Lindsay Lohan a favor. It's going to be one of those make or break deals. If she does well, it creates the buzz she needs to get parts. If not then it's back to the drawing board. Personally I think she'd be awesome as a star of Lifetime movies, but that might be her last

Did Jan Hammer write the score for this? I keep expecting Crockett and Tubbs to show up.

Turn based... ewww. I was hoping this would be a new poverty fighting game with insane combos like UMVC3.

Hey there's Ernie Anastos still fucking that chicken.

MMA allows you to be religious and choke someone out. Just look at all the guys with religious tattoos doing it. He should work on his ground game and make some career moves.

Why even post this article when it's purely based off of conjecture? That's pretty irresponsible, even with the correction.

The TTS and hearing impaired services need to require registration and proof that someone is deaf before they can be utilized. The reason is because any prankster can utilize them to do anything they want. I am a victim of this myself. An ex of mine used them to call my work phone to call me racist names on several

More then anything, the creep factor keeps me away from these things. For a guy, a line is crossed whenever a toy comes into play. It's not as severe as paying a whore for sex, but the line exists. "Do you want to be that guy?" has to factor into thoughts before a purchase. Beyond that is clean-up an maintenance. No