
If the story about Superman 64 is true, then the right studio may refer to someone other then Warner Brothers. Apparently they put the hex on the game.

I've been watching Rom-coms literally because I am fascinated by their awfulness. The "How Did This Get Made" podcast turned me on to their charm with their review of "All About Steve". That movie is just batshit crazy.

Lets hope the next one is a Jigabachi or a Tachikoma

The other fun fact is that most of those buildings are vacant. If they didn't have that stupid dam, DPRK wouldn't at least have the famine issue.

I'd rather spring for the powder coating. That stuff can take a beating.

I feel like every time a celebrity dies, it gives the tabloid media another opportunity to name drop. Radar Online had a whole piece on celebrity tweets. Personally I don't think anyone was waiting for Khloe Kardashian to break her silences, but the PR machine never dies. Then there's this arms race to win the title

The separate memory card, and it's outrageous pricing is a deal breaker for me right now. Otherwise I would get this, LBP, and Persona 4 without question. By the time all of these costs add up, I could own a 16gb iPad 2, or make a couple extra student loan payments.

I am sick of sports hacks with stupid names. Him and Skip Bayless can both get lost.

Mazel Tov to Louis C.K. Well done!

I am lucky to have been a Giants fan in NYC. Even in the mid 90s, when the team was bad, the games were still sold out. People just didn't bother to go them. Never missed a game. I think there is still a waitlist of at least 135,000 people for season tickets.

The Portlandia version of this was better satire. It also wasn't a blatant paid ad by Verizon disguised at some sort of skit.

This is sad, not because I am a fan, but because her children have lost their mother. I'd be shocked to find out that her death was not related to substance addiction. Farewell Whitney. Your singing of the national anthem before Super Bowl 25 will always have a special place in my heart.

Think there's any chance Lagerfeld will ever read this? I don't.

I have two Mad Catz sticks. I don't think I've ever used anything else to play some of the fighting games I own. Kind of unimaginable, actually.

I don't see what the NYP does differently then Gawker for these sorts of things. There are some choice headlines all over the Gawker Media empire that are just as salacious.

Have you seen the roster for UMvC3? This is already possible. Although the Avengers outnumber the X-Men in that game.

The lesson learned here is that Planned Parenthood needs to find a way to make their own money. Then they won't be at the mercy of others cutting off their funding.

I am not a fan of Ellen but her endorsement of JC Penny would not prevent me from shopping there. There are other factors that keep me out of that store like merchandise selection to name one.

Senor Chang looks malnourished next to Pierce.

It's taking me a lot not to howl out loud laughing at this outrageous ad. I guess going with an actress was more original then the zoom-ins, horror music, and flying newspaper headlines that usually go with these ads. Kind of reminds me of the "Would you like to shoot him now?" bit from Bugs Bunny. SPEND IT NOW! SPEND