
Meh, buncha cucks, really.

You know who else destroy historical statues?


It doesn’t matter what the statue stands for, if it’s older than you are, you should probably leave it alone.

Free will is inherently an illusion. Humanity exists in a state of robot-like trance by default. Do what thou wilt will be the whole

This man’s continued existence is proof that JFK was not killed by any government plot.

But he would totally...

I’ll just say it first....ASGARDIANS OF THE GALAXY!

I’m going to put this out there.

All of the Star Trek ships are kind of stupidly designed, save for maybe the Defiant.

What the hell is the point of the Saucer?

RIP Russia-US Joint Cyber Security Unit, July 9, 2017-July 9, 2017.

What if, it turns out, we are the blacks of the universe?

What? He likes hanging around seclude places.

He said he respectfully disagrees with some of the coverage he has received from the media, in particular from Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski, but nevertheless he respects the need for a searching and critical press to a functioning civil society, and ultimately he welcomes the scrutiny because he thinks

WHITE NERDS: *Protest the Human Torch being played by a black man*

That’s not a better question at all.


If I hear the name Bernie Fucking Sanders one more fucking time...I cannot believe the depths of delusion with these remora-gripped nitwits. BERNIE FUCKING SANDERS IS. A. POLITICIAN. He is not a wizard, wise and gentle elder tree spirit, or magical genie who could grant free health care and college for all. He made it

Okay, I never watched this show while it was on but I really do love that opening credits sequence.

I would totally watch that bootleg copy

I think I just made a bootleg DVD cover .....

Omelette du fromage...