
The ones with the line always make me think of a brief thing in one of the Bridget Jones books: Bridget gets a pregnancy test and sees a line. She panics and meets a friend, shoves the used test under the table to said friend, and is informed that that particular test shows two lines if you're pregnant. One line just

Nutmeg and milk. Mix about 1 tablespoon ground nutmeg (fresh is best, jarred is fine) with about 1 teaspoon of milk. You might need more or less milk, the consistency shouldn't be crumbly or runny. Massage onto the areas for about 5 minutes, let it sit for another 3-5 minutes, then rinse. Don't do it more than once or

If I'm remembering correctly, he was actually a drill sergeant at one point in his life. He got so sick of it that he quit and spent the rest of his life talking quietly and painting.

I do this far more than is healthy. "Oh, you just got back from Yellowstone? Cool. My genitals are currently expelling blood and flesh with the regularity and quantity of Old Faithful. We have so much in common!"

I'm not trying to put words in Lindy's mouth here, but what I took from her "rant" (really, a reasonable paragraph or two about the situation) is that this isn't an isolated incident. You mention that "the school needs to figure out how to work on teaching the boys respect for women" but it isn't just this particular

This is par for the course for Florida. My local Publixes (Publices?) always cover up Cosmo and anything else they deem too "raunchy" for the clientele.

Does anyone remember that bath time barbie line? It was a weird waterproof barbie that you were supposed to decorate with colored soap foam. That's what this looks like!

I think it's because the "crust" is one of Subway's flatbread things.

And three pairs of Day-Glo flop socks, to give my ankles the coveted "ice cream cone" look.

I'm kind of torn myself. They're gentler on my hair than most other things, but I'm still not sold on the look of them.

This cat isn't sleeping. It's using every ounce of energy and willpower it has not to attack the hand that's trying to wake it up. There's a difference.

What part of deciding not to get unnecessary plastic surgery is "objectively unhealthy," again?

I am insanely jealous.

It is! "Vodka" is derived from the Slavic root word for "water."

Is she associated at all with the Porn for Women books that have been out for a few years? This seems really close to the title and concept of those.

Agreed. This doesn't sound any different than working for a generally terrible boss in any profession.

It isn't always an option, but I've found it easiest to just use older eggs. They're always easier to peel.

Are we sure he wasn't attempting a terrible Seinfeld impression? "I mean, Hillary Clinton...What is up with that?"

Mine plays something that sounds like it came from Dance Dance Revolution. It's...interesting.

I think it's the only way for some people to preserve their own worldview. Acknowledging that something like Sandy Hook can happen means acknowledging the issues we have with guns in this country: what guns are available, or who has access to them, or whatever else. For someone invested in guns and gun ownership,