
So what you’re saying is because a data-mining company collected data on 50 million Americans ahead of the US election, we’re supposed to believe the social network with over 2 billion worldwide users is “fucked”?

Wiseau serious?

Elder abuse can take many forms, and strike at many economic levels...

Wait til you hear about our skincare routines

Dan managed to make a small chip on his first try, so it’s probably not gorilla glass

Thank god, somewhere I can talk about this without angering non-naughty folks.

A quiet, dark place? Just like Old Yeller’s final resting place.

The mention of Old Yeller was triggering, I need the rest of the day off to go lie down in a quiet, dark room.

“Pfft. Amateur.”


that’s actually exactly what I did originally, but decided that I wasn’t a fan of the two monitor setup (I realize that’s like, sacrilege here, lol)

Is it me or are these polls now being botted to put the most expesive brand at the top. I can’t believe that a $300 backpack actually won this poll.

Is it me or are these polls now being botted to put the most expesive brand at the top. I can’t believe that a $300

There seemed to be an awful lot of equivocation and hand-waving excuse-making going on in the comments on the previous article.

I get not wanting to think one of your favorite personalities/entertainers/what have you might actually be a shitbag (or, if not an actual shitbag, the sort of dingus who has such poor

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

I’ve enjoyed all of the seasons, but it really feels like passing the books has really allowed them to break free, this season.

I’ve seen some Leatherman tools on sale with S30V blades - never quite understood... If you care enough about your blade to know about S30V, you probably care about the ergonomics, the handle, and the locking mechanism too, all of which are generally terrible on multitools.

This may come as a shock to a large percentage of the commenters below, but some of us just flat out don't like gmail's web interface.