
Pack up the Uhaul, I'm driving.

Me too. I get the rationale behind the camera settings and atmospheric conditions, but how the stars stay pin sharp over a long exposure is what I was hoping to find out as well.

With a nice, long pull from a cigar in between those sentences.

My God. Gloworm. It's been too long!

You say overkill, I say necessary. I have the 16GB of RAM and 256GB SSD, but am jealous of your i7. Although to be fair my little old e8400 is still doing it's best to keep up.

Sentimental value?

"...the drummer trying to muffle a fart on his stool."

Hows about a hi-five?

I have a JSW TDI and seem to see more and more of them driving around my city each day. I mean, of course I recognize the same ones I see near work and home, but I'm surprised by the sheer number of them I see while not on my normal commute route.

I think you mean "Seattle 14, Green Bay 12."

Good point. But which came first?

It looks like as long as Reddit and all it's strange Subreddits are around, there will be a demand for anything you can dream up. Just don't dream for too long. It's likely to get real weird, real quick.

Yea, it's like "What? Hey, no. I'M not a perv. I'm just a poor professional photographer capturing images of pervy things to sell on the internet to be used as banner images for OTHER people who've done pervy things. But me? Definitely not a perv. Just doin' my job."

I think the really surprising thing here is that Shutterstock sells stock images of up-skirt photography.

I lived in Seattle a few years back and had the accent described to me as 'Wisconsin with Indian Names'. I always loved hearing people pronounce 'Wenatchee'

Soooooo... "The first thing that jumps out is that every field points east, or north. It's not a coincidence. It's to avoid, in those early summer games, the setting sun being directly in the batter's eye."

Actually, I think he knows what it means. Are you sure you do?

I always open a new tab for a Google search, and always middle click all links into a new tab out of habit, so anything that overtakes my current tab makes me a little twitchy.

Random guy who spends way too much time on the internet here. I agree that Ctrl+T + type is the only way. I hide that stupid Google Search Bar immediately upon installing Firefox because I replace it with other, more useful things. Closed Windows List, Xmarks Sync button and LastPass button. All things that either

I completely agree with you. I went to an AT&T store twice to try and talk myself in the the S3, but couldn't get past the cheap, glossy plastic and general lightness of the device (I was coming from the metal and glass iPhone 4, so i was used to something with some weight to it). And then yea, I ended up with the