
I'd like to subscribe to your Netflix queue.

I remember checking that out a year or two ago. Guess I need to revisit it again. Thanks.

I can't help but think that a website where I can 'bookmark' videos to play later would be a useful thing. It would perform the same basic function as this, but wouldn't need to "record" anything (which seems kind of clunky). It would just compile videos from all sites of my choosing into a continuous playlist so I

Yea, that's exactly when I took one step backwards from this idea towards the door.

Another cloud?

Boobs are usually the first thing I think of too.

"government entities" —> state school

I just right click the Back Button and jump back to the main article link. But yea, there should be a RETURN TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE link on each photo page to avoid any of these methods.

+10 Back Button clicks

Guy 1: Look out there, the sky!

Amazon Prime

There is a Photoshop Express app. I think Adrian knows that and was directing a raised eyebrow at the PS app since PF2 looks to be far more powerful and useful. Your move, Adobe.

I was with you right up until the Visual History. Then I was REALLY with you.

I always attributed this to anticipation. On your way to vacation you want to get there so badly that you think about it constantly, making the trip seem longer than it is. On your way home you're probably not all that enthused to get home back to your daily routine, so you don't think about it as much and time

Yep, that's it. Beat me to it.

Peter, I wasn't able to approve your comment with the thumbs up button, so I'm replying to get it seen.

This column is bittersweet for me. You never accepted my friend request.

I've been looking for a good app that lights up my phone when I fart. Can you suggest one?

Ah, ok. The bike riding bit changes everything. You definitely wouldn't want either of the Mountainsmith bags then...they're just too unwieldy for carrying on a bike. SealLine bags are about as waterproof as they come and they have an Urban Line of messenger bags and backpacks. Check them out.