
Yeah, well, that's why I don't say that stuff without my hood and robe. O^0

Probably was a drunken driver, because the penalty for DUI is more than for fleeing. Better to leave, sober up, and deal with it later.

Not just Canada. The US prices for the Beetle are ridiculously high and have been since the late 90s. It's almost as though VW didn't want anyone to buy it and they were using it just to get get people in the dealership door.

Your assumption that she was panicked is wrong. A frightened person wouldn't get back in their vehicle, they'd run.

That's the dumbest, leftwing comment you've ever made, Timothy. Shame on you.

I can get away with it because I'm just so perfect. You couldn't understand.


Maybe. Unless he was the driver and his lawyer is just bullshitting now for the news headlines.

I wouldn't. Let them present it to a judge and get an arrest warrant. Immediately have my lawyer file notice of intent to sue for defamation. Fight it. Because once they have their hands on you, they're not letting go.

No way. I'm not going to bed dirty or smelly, so there's no reason to wash the sheets so often. Maybe you're just a dirty, oily, sweaty mess?

Yes, it's more fun to make a bed when someone is still sleeping in it. Ha

See my reply to Jolie, in your thread.

Anyone who sweats at night should probably (unless it's actually too warm in the bedroom) be evaluated by a doctor. Diabetes, hormone issues, and sleep apnea are pretty common causes of night sweats. And that's double true for overweight people.

"Hey Jimmy, hold my beer, this'll be fun!"

Patrick, could you do an update on the numbers that give some indication of the proportion or percentage of vehicles manufactured by each manufacturer? I get why some are on the list because they produce the most vehicles, but I'd like some understand of how each manufacturer compares with others who make different

A person can love and be attracted to members of the same gender, while holding to a certain religious morality of remaining celibate. That's what Murphy is accepting of in a homosexual person.

Me too. Sometimes I forget which car I drove or where I parked it, especially when I'm borrowing a car or my routines get messed up.

First off, I didn't say is that this is murder or deserves a murder charge. It's reckless behavior, an accident that could have been avoided. The really bad thing here is that the driver fled the scene and didn't help the victims or call 911. That's what makes it really criminal, in my mind.

Sure, getting rid of poorer, younger street racers may work to reduce street racing, but I prefer getting rid of the wealthy douchebags. The poor kids have less options, so I don't blame them as much for wanting to race as I blame the racers who can really afford better choices.

Allegations without a complaint are rumors. Rumors don't merit investigation or reporting.